Remember that we are always at your disposal for any online consultation via whatsapp or cel:
Dr. Priego invites you to discover if you or a family member is a candidate to receive our cell therapies and make an appointment at any of his two office.
Human stem cells capable of stimulating the autoimmune system to prevent or treat immune diseases by strengthening their defenses.
AJIJIC Stem Cell uses its Mesenkymal stem cells treatments obtained from an exclusive cryopreservation process that guarantees more than 97% viability, to achieve optimal operating properties with our therapeutic treatments. The highest quality available in Mexico. Also AUTOHEMOTHERAPY with Hematopoietic stem cells obtained from the blood of the same patient to stimulate the immune system.
After 40, we gradually experience the telltale signs of old age: poor concentration, memory loss, fatigue, aches and pains, mood swings, hair loss, wrinkles, age spots, decreased sexual desire, insomnia and frailty .
UDG CED PROF 0684446 Currently he attends patients in Guadalajara as well as in Chapala and Ajijic in the private sector, and complements his work with stem cell treatments having taken previous certifications by private companies that use TRONCAL MESENKIMAL STEM CELLS treatments, being approved by the COFEPRIS (Equivalent to FDA) health regulatory body of the Ministry of Health, Jalisco.
In the last 11 years he has been the medical director of Inmusys Center de México SA de CV with more than 3600 Autohemotherapy patients, he has gained a lot of experience in this type of bio-medical Cellular Regeneration treatments focusing mainly on autoimmune diseases and chronic degenerative diseases such as Fibromyalgia , Scleroderma, Lupus Erythematosus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteo-Arthritis, Type 2 Diabetes, and many more
Mesenkymal stem cells. They are multipotent adult human stem cells that can be differentiated to various cell types while maintaining a high capacity for self-renewal. They owe their mesenkymal name to their ability to differentiate into other cell types from mesoderm.